Monday, 13 January 2014

13th January

'Let's go before work', we agreed. 'And let's take it easy'.

So we took things a little slower than usual and only ran for a few miles. Andy had found his run on the weekend a lot less hellish (and easier to maintain) as he hadn't turned it into a series of mad dashes, interspersed with restorative walking (which, I'm proud to say, is my 'technique'). It made sense to try that approach again. Especially after my own run at the weekend had been so bobbins and painful.

The pace felt strange at first, as if we we were going far too slowly. But it ended up with ten-minute miles and, most importantly, we didn't feel whacked out when we got back. So maybe there's something in making a few changes. Less haste, etc.

And finally - good news. Thirteen weeks away today, The Paris Marathon will be over.

Sunrise and St Barnabas Church, Dulwich.

(I posted this picture of today's route to instagram, and my friend Hayley commented that we'd 'followed the route of Netley and Gull' - a reference to the Jack The Ripper murders.

The conspiracy goes that Netley, the owner of a horse-drawn cab, drove  the Queen's Physician 
Sir William Gull (and 'actual Ripper') around London so that he could ritualise with London's ley lines and sites related to Freemasonry. Some of those sites are supposedly around Herne Hill in South London (named after Herne the hunting god and somewhere that almost always forms part of our run). 

Now, most scholars dismiss all of this ley/masonic stuff as fiction and fantasy, but it's still a good story - and you can read more about it in Stephen Knight's 'The Final Solution' and also the graphic novel 'From Hell' by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell (the latter of whom is Hayley's dad).

Distance: 3.5m / 5.7km
Time: 35min.
Total distance (Andy): 37.6 miles/ 50.4km
Total distance (Elliot): 51.5 miles/ 83.9km

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